I was among around 3-4 teachers at my school who piloted Seesaw at the beginning of the year. Because of Seesaw’s potential for the early childhood classroom and the amazing experiences of the teachers and students using it, the number of teachers using Seesaw at our school has more than doubled, maybe even tripled! Originally I wanted to use Seesaw as a digital portfolio for students, a place for students to show what they’ve been learning through the year. And while I was so excited to digitally curate student work and for parents to get a glimpse of what we do each day in a way they haven’t been able to in the past, Seesaw has become more than just a place to digitally display student work.
So keep your fingers crossed and check back later in January to find out if I was selected! Until then, stay tuned for my next post: Four Ways to Use Seesaw in Your Classroom Now!