Flipping Over Math . . . And Just Flipping Out!

During the summer, I came to the realization that I wanted to try a modified flipped learning model in my classroom. After doing a bit lot of research and discussing it with my instructional coach, I decided that I would start small, so I chose to go with math. Since I teach 2nd grade, I reasoned that I should not forego my whole-group instruction, but would make my lessons brief–true mini-lessons. Then, students that needed additional instruction could view digital videos during our guided math time to reinforce what they learned. Additionally, it would free me up for more small-group instruction time.

The problem was I only had one laptop and one one iPad in my classroom. So I decided to write a grant. Our local electric coop, Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative, awards Bright Idea Grants each year to local teachers with innovative ideas. I wrote a grant on using iPads for flipping my math instruction and asked for $968 to get 3 iPad minis and cases, to boot. Thursday of this week, I was informed that I won!

Actually, I should say that I was ambushed! When administrators from my district, including the superintendent, assistant superintendent, and chief academic officer, appeared at my door, I thought I was the lucky recipient of a surprise walk-through related to our upcoming accreditation. It didn’t dawn on me that the director of public information was there with her huge camera. I just kept on teaching . . .

It wasn’t until I saw 2 ladies I didn’t know holding a great big check that I realized what was happening! Needless to say I was flipping out extremely excited, as were my students. We cannot wait to get our 3 new iPads minis and start “flipping over math”! I intend to share our experiences here. So stay tuned for future posts about how we are using our new iPad minis!

MCEC presents my class and me with a check $968 to use to purchase iPad minis for our classroom.

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